
4 Straightforward Answers to your Cloud BPM Concerns

Team Kissflow

Updated on 25 Sep 2024 3 min read

Cloud computing might be on the rise, but haters and naysayers continue to throw stones at it.

And when it comes to cloud BPM, the situation is no different. With cloud business process management (BPM) software, many organizations are nervous about such tools because they usually involve so much sensitive data across many different business processes.

Cloud BPM Concerns

For enterprise IT managers, adopting a cloud BPM software means handing over their job of data security to someone else they haven’t even met.

How can you trust vendors who take all your enterprise data and stack it on air? Most data-sensitive IT managers would rather keep the data inside the enterprise walls rather than risk it being stolen from a loosely protected cloud-based business software.

Or what about downtimes and maintenance? IT managers know they will be called into question for things they can’t control.

4 Questions You Know You’ve Asked

Being at the helm of safeguarding business data, it’s natural to be obsessed with data security (or lack thereof) on the cloud. If you find yourself being a bit gun-shy of hosting your BPM on cloud, you are probably familiar with these objections.

1. Isn’t it too risky to store my data on the cloud?

Data security is the top concern for most enterprises thinking about adopting a cloud BPM solution. They are protective about their data and want to keep it within their enterprise gates even if that means creating bureaucratic hurdles to get things done.

More often than not, IT managers in such companies inherit the tradition of hosting applications in local servers. However, they don’t have specific answers about why the cloud is less secure; they just perceive that moving data outside the company premises is risky because they were told so.

But cloud service providers are serious about data security and the majority of vendors host their applications on robust cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform. These platforms are not only secure but can hyperscale and are run by talented teams of engineers who prevent any instances of data abuse.

Think of it as depositing cash in your bank – would you rather risk your house safe being burglarized or would you have a trusted bank keep and insure your hard-earned money? Hosting on-premise applications is dangerous unless you invest heavily on firewall capabilities. For security, you are better off going with a cloud vendor who is industry compliant and ISO certified to keep your data safe.

2. How Will I Work if the Internet is Down?

Cloud opponents are often opposed because they say you cannot access your data if there is an internet outage, whereas on-premise data would be safe. Or what if your vendor loses all of your data?

Similar to the banking reference, most cloud BPM vendors operate with rigorous backup standards. Unlike on-prem solutions, data sanity in cloud applications is protected by built-in firewalls and access to data is more likely consistent. They store backups in multiple geographies to ensure there is never a loss.

If something happens to your on-premise servers, or if you get hacked by viruses or malware, good luck retrieving your data.

And don’t worry about the downtime periods – most cloud platforms have backup measures in place that allow users to save their work and keep going in an event of an unexpected network breakdown.

3. What About Bug Fixes and Software Updates?

Many IT leaders feel in control when they mobilize their teams to update an on-site software. However, it’s completely out of their control with cloud software.

The onus of updating cloud software and fixing bugs is always on the vendors. The process is so swift that most client companies don’t even realize the cleanup that happened until it’s over. Cloud BPM software lets users keep their feet up while the bug fixes and patch updates happen automatically in the background.

4. Aren’t Most Cloud Vendors Fly-By-Night Startups?

There are too many cloud startups out there. How do you know when one is legitimate and won’t close down in a year?

The belief that all cloud companies are startups seems to have emerged because many successful enterprise software companies began their journeys in the proverbial founder’s garage. However, cloud companies that started their operations in the early 2000s have now established a strong footing in the enterprise market.

But precaution is better than pangs of regrets. When you are ready to buy a cloud software, do your homework on the company’s size, its market reputation, how long they have been in the business, if they are running on a startup funding or actual profits, etc.

Cloud software companies have their money coming from businesses in subscription fees, which can often be cancelled anytime. Therefore, they must be on all the time unlike the on-site software vendors who get paid in full at the purchase time and hibernate in the dark until it’s time to renew the software license.

Time to Give it a Try

If you’ve been on the fence about trying cloud business process management software, your reasons to continue to delay are getting fewer and fewer. Cloud BPM is safe, fast, and if you find the right partner, it can greatly ease your IT load.

Try a cloud BPM software like Kissflow Process today and watch your concerns fly away!