
4 Simple Workflow Automation Options for Retail Marketers

Team Kissflow

Updated on 24 Sep 2024 2 min read

In the world of brick-and-mortar retail, customer experience is king. If you can’t convince a potential customer that they’re going to have a fantastic experience in your store, she has many other options to chose from. But if you can successfully craft a story she can identify with, you might have a customer for life. This post explains how retail workflow automation can help tackling the challenge.

Simply hiring a team of marketers won’t solve your problems. They need to work closely with your managers and be in sync with the rest of your business so they truly understand your retail mission and feel empowered to tell your story to potential customers. Break down the complexity of your marketers’ workflows and open up easy channels of communication to give them the power they need to create a great retail marketing strategy.

1. Move faster than your competition

Let’s say your clothing store is extremely popular for its range of bright cotton t-shirts. A competitor brings out a similar line of clothes at a lower price and advertises it widely. Your marketing team needs to immediately combat this with a campaign that reinforces why your clothes are the real deal for customers. With workflow automation, marketers can quickly get approval from various managers and have the new campaign out in no time.

2. Catch ideas on the go

Your marketers are professionals at understanding your target audience and how they respond to trends and competitors. So much so that they are probably ‘on-the-job’ all the time, catching inspiration from mundane daily events. Perhaps while catching lunch with a friend, one marketer realizes that hosting a workshop on basic app development might be a great way to get more people in the store. With the Kissflow app, he can pitch the idea before he pays for the coffee and you can spend your office time reviewing ideas rather than coming up with them.

3. Crowd-source your marketing

One of your best marketing efforts for your sporting goods store might be a newsletter where athletes share stories about their experiences. With a publically-hosted Kissflow form, you can invite anyone who shops at your store to contribute their own article and then let it flow through the regular editorial process. This will help develop a loyal set of customers who’ll keep coming back to shop at your store.

4. Support the community that supports you

Your local community helps your store thrive, and your marketing can help show your gratitude to them with community events. Future-proof the successful running of your events by creating a customized workflow to make sure nothing gets left out. Even if there is turnover in your marketing team, new employees can hit the ground running and organize events that strengthen the community’s good will for your business.

In today’s marketplace where products are plenty and attention spans are limited, marketing is a powerful tool to build a loyal audience by telling your story. Kissflow can help you talk about the amazing experiences your customers can have while it eliminate inefficiencies and keeps your store buzzing.

Don’t wait. Sign up for a free trial of Kissflow Workflow and get started!