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Your Cloud Strategy Needs SaaS Workflow

Team Kissflow

Updated on 16 Apr 2024 3 min read

What is a SaaS Workflow?

Saas Workflows means an advanced tool that helps business professionals streamline their processes by cutting down redundancies and miscommunications. It helps them enhance their approach towards their daily tasks. 

The SaaS (software as a service) model has performed a full disruption in numerous software industries. It questions the basic assumptions of what a software vendor should be responsible for and how customers should use and pay for technology. By hosting their software on the cloud, SaaS vendors can “rent out” their technology and users can pay for however much they use.

SaaS Workflow

Once convinced of the benefits of SaaS, companies often try to move as much software as possible over to it. From finance to HR to collaboration, more SaaS products means predictable expenses, low maintenance fees, and less stress on the internal IT team.

But what if you are looking for Saas Workflow Engine? Why is it the right time to move to cloud-based workflow system?

It’s Not As Expensive

With SaaS workflow manager, you aren’t worrying about the operating costs of equipping and maintaining a server by yourself; the cloud service provider does all of that for you. This is a lot cheaper than buying your own servers and scaling them up as your business grows.

If you’re looking to upgrade your workflow for service tool, all you need to do is contact your vendor and they will upgrade it automatically for you at a reasonable price. This is one of the many advantages of having a workflow as service on the cloud.

Another thing to note in making the workflow for SaaS cheaper is that you don’t need to hire specialized personnel to keep your servers running. There’s not much for you to maintain, so there’s no requirement for elite IT personnel. The software vendor can provide the support you need at a more specialized level than your IT team can provide.

Less Work for You With More Usage

With legacy software, you usually must purchase it once and are locked into that software. In addition, you’ll also have to keep your data constantly updated, since it’s not all stored in a central server where there’s only one master record.

With workflow as service on a cloud, you won’t have to keep multiple copies of the same data and wonder about updates. Everything is on a single server and everyone sees the most updated version of the record. So, there’s no miscommunication or handling of outdated data.

No Need to Take Backups

Legacy workflow systems require constant backups since the data you handle changes on a regular basis. With workflow for SaaS, you won’t have to worry about manually backing up information since your cloud service provider automatically takes care of it.

Since your data is constantly updated in a single master record, you won’t need as much storage for multiple copies of the same data. That’s a lot of money saved in hardware and cloud renting costs.

Customize Your SaaS Workflow

One of the biggest disadvantages of legacy workflow systems is that they are rigid and can’t be customized in the way you need. SaaS-based Workflow tools are different since they understand that their customers are not all looking for the same thing.

This means that you can customize your software according to your requirements. Usually, to get this level of customization, companies invest in huge projects for specialized software that smaller companies can’t afford. With workflow as a service on the cloud, you don’t have to worry about the costs and use something that is tailored to you. This is one of the biggest advantages of a SaaS customization workflow.

Customizable SaaS Workflow Manager to Create Your Own Workflows

Finally, the last advantage of workflow as service is the fact that you don’t have to talk to your IT team or the service provider when you want to create a new workflow. Most workflows for SaaS providers understand that not everyone has coding knowledge, so they’ve ensured that their platforms have very little, if at all, requirement for coding when it comes to adding new workflows.
You can create your own workflows yourself, without requiring any technical input from the IT team or even the service provider.

If you find that you need something that you cannot do yourself, or does require coding, you can contact your service provider and they’ll implement it for you. This provides the support for SaaS customization workflows.

☛ Learn More About  7 Benefits of Workflow Management Systems to Free You From Chaos

So Long, Legacy

Legacy systems are being pushed out and being replaced by workflow for SaaS, and for good reason. Very few legacy systems are able to tend to business requirements without having some flaws. With workflow as service, you are free to pay for what you use and make your own requirements, all without the exorbitant development costs of creating a software just for you.

Try Kissflow Workflow to see the difference that the workflow manager for SaaS can make!