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What Is Cloud Case Management & How Is It Useful For Business?

Team Kissflow

Updated on 24 Sep 2024 5 min read

Thanks to advancements in technology, more and more businesses are moving to the cloud. A 2014 study by the International Data Group revealed that about 69% of companies now make use of cloud technology for their business in various capacities [1] , and up to 18% of them say they intend to implement cloud solutions at some point in the future.

One of the areas companies can benefit from making a shift to the cloud is case management. While case management systems can be installed on a local area network, cloud case management solutions are more convenient alternatives. They allow users to manage all their case data, client information, documentation, milestones, and customer fields all in one place.

Using a centralized location like this also makes information available to different users 24/7 and makes collaboration more seamless in a typically more secure environment. This is why many companies opt to purchase cloud case management solutions to replace conventional spreadsheet-based case and incident tracking systems with limited features, no workflow support, and inadequate security.

Advantages of Cloud-based Case Management Software

Using cloud case management software helps streamline the process of registering cases, tracking, and reporting them. It helps organize all case information into a centralized repository that serves as a single and up-to-date source of information for all staff and teams responsible for managing ongoing cases. The best cloud case management solutions also serve as a tool for comprehensive reporting and may also have tools for risk management.

The following are some of the advantages of cloud case management solutions over traditional case management systems:


One of the biggest perks of cloud technology is its cost-efficiency, and this applies to cloud-based case management as well. To deploy cloud-based software, you do not have to bother about the cost of additional infrastructure or upgrading existing systems. In most cases, all that is needed is a single subscription fee for the service provider you intend to use. Software providers will also manage the maintenance of servers and other costs associated with the infrastructure needed to manage your cases.


Cloud technologies are characterized by sophisticated security features and data encryption. This means using this technology for managing your case data means it is better protected than using on-site systems. Keeping all your case files on a single hard drive or even a file cabinet in your location may seem secure, but a single incident could lead to the loss of all data stored on physical devices. Also, cyberattacks targeted attacks are less of a threat to cloud systems than private systems since it is generally harder to hack into a secured cloud system.

Ease of deployment

Cloud-based case management systems are generally easier to deploy than on-site systems. In the case of conventional systems, you may need to upgrade existing servers or expand your storage hardware to keep the system functional. But for cloud systems, you do not need any on-site resources aside from the device that will be used to access your data on the cloud.


Case management and settlement often involve multiple teams collaborating. Using a cloud system for this process makes collaboration between teams to handle incidents a lot more seamless. Team members will be able to share data securely across the cloud platform with ease. Some cloud case management solutions may also provide collaborative spaces to connect employees across different teams within an organization.


Generally, there is hardly any way to prevent or fully anticipate issues or disasters that can harm your system before they occur. Still, using cloud-based solutions can speed the recovery process when disasters occur. A cloud-based service is often designed with features for quick recovery in emergency scenarios, from power outages to cyber-attacks.

Quicker updates

If you get many cases that need to be escalated and settled quickly, having your systems down for an upgrade may be too expensive. This is not a situation you will have to deal with when using a cloud-based solution since they are typically designed to update themselves automatically instead of a manual update by your IT team. This also helps you save costs on hiring extra IT staff or consultation services.


Cloud infrastructures for case management are generally more sustainable in the long run. Powering your systems with virtual service helps cut the clutter in your workspace and improves overall energy efficiency, thereby supporting environmental proactivity. Green Data centers, dematerialization, and consistent innovations are diverse examples that prove the sustainability of cloud-based solutions.

Dynamic cloud case management puts users in control

Case Management Solution on the Cloud

Cloud-based case management systems like Kissflow Workflow are quite robust feature-wise. Some of the features you can expect from your virtual case-management system include:

Role-based access

Although using cloud solutions means all your case files are stored in the exact shared location, you still have complete control over who can see what. Documents related to cases can be organized to only provide access to authorized users. Different levels of access can also be set for different categories of users. This way, users are only granted access on a need to know basis.

In-depth analytics

Cloud case management solutions often offer cloud analytics built into them. This gives you a bird’s eye view of all your case data. It is also possible to implement mechanisms to track case data, build customized reports, and analyze information to get critical, actionable insights into the case management process.

High data volume

Usually, case management teams have to handle several incidents daily. Organizing all of the data associated with all of these cases at once can be difficult. Cloud case management tools are built to make managing a high volume of data a lot more seamless. You get flexible access to the latest versions of files associated with cases and can organize them a lot more seamlessly. There is also a reduced risk of losing key files since most cloud solutions feature a built-in backup system to recover lost data.

Access from anywhere

Case data stored on the cloud can be accessed from anywhere and from any approved device. This feature makes it easier for your staff to check case updates and manage cases from anywhere. This feature has become exceptionally valuable in recent times that remote work has become more of a norm than the exception in the modern workspace.

API and software integrations

With tools like custom connectors, APIs, and software integrations, you can easily link cases and workflows with necessary third-party systems. This ease of integration makes managing cases more intuitive, efficient, and faster.

Improved flexibility

By tracking and managing cases on cloud-based software, your staff can get access to valuable information faster. This makes processes a lot more flexible. A simple search will turn up details related to a case and help resolve them more quickly. This also means every member of your staff can handle issues more seamlessly since everyone is on the same page regarding updates to cases, versions of case-associated information, and key documentation.

Infrastructure and security

Cloud case management solutions have a more robust security infrastructure that will be too costly for a company to invest in for their local network. When you use cloud-based systems, all your case-associated data are backed up on multiple servers across multiple locations. They are also secured with strong security and encryption features, including two-factor authentication and 256-bit data encryption. Access level control also reduces the risks of employees making mistakes with their handling of sensitive case information.


Having all of your case data stored, moved, and managed within a platform makes case management and tracking a lot easier to handle. A powerful and feature-packed cloud case management platform like Kissflow Workflow can be used to manage ticketing, incident management, claim processing, bug tracking, and as a central hub or help desk to address all your customer complaints.

To take absolute control of your cases and workflows, get Kissflow Workflow today.

Kissflow Workflow - Case Management Software