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How to Choose The Best No-code Agency For Your Business_og

How to Choose The Best No-code Agency For Your Business

Team Kissflow

Updated on 2 Jul 2024 2 min read

A no-code agency offers your business the flexibility to roll out products faster and more effectively at a fraction of the typical cost.

Benefits of implementing a no-code development platform to your business

No-code development is fast becoming the industry standard for developing websites, apps, and internal tools, thanks to its numerous benefits. Here’s why you should consider adopting no-code app development. 

1. Rapid development

Even with the best team, traditional development takes time. With a no-code development platform, businesses of any size can have full-featured apps running in no time. 

2. Increased productivity

No-code development cuts down the amount of code you need to write. It frees up your software team for more rewarding work and helps your business team work better. 

3. Affordable

Building software the traditional way is capital-intensive. Save money by designing apps with a no-code platform instead of maintaining a large software development team.

4. Scalability 

Apps built with no-code platforms can grow with you. With no-code, you don’t need a programmer to add new features or upgrade your software. 

Checklist for selecting the best no-code agency

The key to implementing a successful no-code development strategy is to work with the right no-code agency. Evaluate the following point when choosing a no-code agency to get the best results: 

1. Consider multiple use-cases

A good no-code platform should be versatile and adaptable to a wide range of use cases. Identify and evaluate the no-code capabilities of whatever agency you’re working with. 

2. Specify users 

Business users typically require more intuitive features than professional software developers. The expected users will influence the type of no-code development platform you’ll use. 

3. Define usage requirements 

Pricing varies for different no-code platforms. It could depend on team size, the number of applications, or any other usage requirement. Find one that’s most suitable for your needs. 

4. Investigate integration requirements

The platform must easily connect to existing corporate tools and integrate with new ones. Examine the integration capability of your no-code tool to enjoy seamless collaboration.

5. Review governance options

Evaluate if the platform integrates with a version control system and supports the life cycle development across development, testing and more

6. Understand security requirements

Ensure the no-code platform provides the necessary security infrastructures and meets essential compliance requirements. This is crucial to the integrity of any app you build on it. 

What can you develop using a no-code platform?

The best no-code development tools offer features for building everything from basic form and process workflows to full-featured applications. 

1. E-commerce sites

Build fully-functional apps for selling products online. Complete with inventory management, payment processors, and tracking features. 

2. CRM systems 

No-code development is an effective way to build complex Customer Relationship Management apps for managing customer interactions effectively.

3. Web applications

Build fully functional applications hosted on the web and accessible from any mobile and desktop device anywhere and anytime.

4. Internal process apps 

Design and manage apps to streamline complex business processes and automate repeatable tasks within your day-to-day workflow.

Don’t know how to code? You can still build apps without depending on IT.