An open letter from our CEO: Embracing the
citizen development revolution

If there is one obvious low-hanging fruit in digital transformation that also delivers $10m in savings for a company of 1,000 employees over a 3 to 5-year period, it is Citizen Development. This report will be a solid tool for VPs and CxOs. Let the transformations begin!
Kissflow CEO Kissflow CEO
Kissflow CEO Sign
Suresh Sambandam
CEO, Kissflow

A sneak peek into our 2024
Citizen Development Trends Report


greatly accelerated by empowering more employees to contribute.


of respondents said citizen development is a top and funded initiative for this year.


said they expected to see more than a 10 percent increase in individual productivity.


of CIOs said they consider reduction in IT backlog as one of the top metrics to measure the outcome of citizen development


of tech leaders agree that citizen development is a pivotal strategy for achieving digital transformation goals

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Citizen Development trends