
Citizen Automation Governance: Essential Strategies for Control and Compliance

Team Kissflow

Updated on 25 Sep 2024 5 min read

The rise of citizen automation – where non-technical employees can build basic automation – is transforming businesses. Citizen automation unlocks productivity and innovation by empowering employees to streamline repetitive tasks. However, unmanaged citizen automation can introduce significant security risks, create shadow IT headaches, and lead to compliance issues. Shadow IT accounts for 50 percent of total enterprise IT spending.

Explore how to master citizen automation governance with this guide. Discover practical strategies for building a strong framework, overcoming common challenges, and using features that make implementation easier.

Why citizen automation governance matters

Twenty-five percent of businesses have concerns about low-code and citizen development. Citizen automation can offer immense benefits, but proper governance is necessary for unintended consequences to outweigh these advantages. Let's delve into three key risk areas:

1. Security risk

Imagine a scenario where an employee creates an automation to streamline a data entry process. While their intentions are good, a lack of security awareness could lead to vulnerabilities. Here's how:

Weak authentication

The automation might rely on basic login credentials, making it susceptible to brute-force attacks or stolen passwords.

Data exposure

It can accidentally expose sensitive data during processing or transfer, leaving it vulnerable to unauthorized access.

Integration vulnerabilities

Improper integration with other systems could create openings for attackers to exploit weaknesses in connected applications.

These security lapses can have dire consequences. Malicious actors could gain access to confidential information, corrupt data, or disrupt critical operations.

2. Shadow IT

When employees develop and deploy automation outside the IT’s knowledge or control, often using user-friendly and accessible citizen automation tools, it leads to shadow IT. Here's why it's a problem:

Lack of oversight

IT loses visibility into critical processes, making it challenging to identify and address potential security issues or ensure compliance with regulations.

Integration capabilities

Uncoordinated automation development can lead to compatibility problems and difficulties integrating disparate systems into larger workflows.

Maintenance headaches

Unsupported automation becomes IT's responsibility when it malfunctions or requires updates, creating an unnecessary burden.

Shadow IT creates a tangled web of uncontrolled processes, hindering efficiency and increasing security risks.

3. Compliance nightmare

Regulations in various industries mandate specific data handling practices and security protocols. Unmanaged citizen automation can lead to unintentional violations. Here are some potential pitfalls:

Non-compliance with data privacy laws

Automation mishandling personal data could violate regulations like GDPR or CCPA, resulting in hefty fines.

Industry-specific regulations

Certain industries have specific compliance requirements. For example, financial institutions must adhere to data security standards set by PCI DSS. Uncontrolled automation can lead to accidental breaches of these regulations.

Internal policy violations

Organizations often have internal policies regarding data security and access control. Unapproved automation could violate these policies, leading to disciplinary actions or operational disruptions.

The potential consequences of non-compliance are severe, ranging from financial penalties to reputational damage and even legal repercussions.

Building a robust citizen automation governance framework: Best practices

By implementing these best practices, organizations can foster a thriving citizen automation environment that maximizes innovation while minimizing risks:

Establish a center of excellence

Create a dedicated team overseeing citizen automation initiatives. The CoE should develop best practices, provide training and support, and review automation projects for compliance and security.

Clear policies and guidelines

Define policies for who can build automation, what types of processes are suitable, and how they should be documented and reviewed.

Utilize a low-code platform

Implement a low-code citizen automation platform that is user-friendly but also incorporates built-in security features and access controls.

Prioritize training and support

Equip citizen developers with the necessary skills to build secure and effective automation. Provide ongoing training and support to ensure user confidence and address any concerns.

Continuous communication and feedback

Foster a culture of open communication between IT, business users, and citizen developers. Regularly solicit feedback and iterate on the citizen automation program based on user experiences and evolving needs.

Tackling the challenges of citizen automation governance

Citizen automation has benefits, but implementing a successful governance framework presents hurdles. Let's delve deeper into the three key challenges organizations face:

1. Balancing empowerment and control

Striking the right balance between empowering citizen developers and maintaining control over critical processes and data is delicate. Here's why:

Overly restrictive controls

Excessive restrictions can stifle innovation and discourage user participation. Citizen developers might become frustrated and create shadow IT solutions to bypass cumbersome approval processes.

Lax oversight

On the other hand, insufficient oversight can lead to security vulnerabilities and compliance issues. Unvetted automation with weak security protocols exposes sensitive data or introduces opportunities for malicious actors.


Define clear permissions

Establish a tiered permission system that grants citizen developers access based on their roles and skill sets. Organizations can empower users by establishing a tiered permission system that grants citizen developers access based on their roles and skill sets while ensuring control over sensitive data and processes.

Provide secure development tools

Implement a citizen automation platform with built-in security features like role-based access control and data encryption. These features empower users while minimizing security risks.

Foster continuous communication

Maintain open communication channels between IT and business users. Regularly solicit feedback and iterate on governance policies to find a balance that encourages innovation while maintaining security.

2. Standardization and consistency

Ensuring consistency across a diverse user base can be a challenge. Citizen developers with varying skill levels might create automation with different styles, functionalities, and security protocols. Lack of standardization leads to:

Integration issues

They might not integrate well with existing workflows or systems, creating inefficiencies and hindering potential.

Maintenance challenges

Unstandardized automation becomes difficult to maintain, debug, or update, especially when the original developer is no longer available.

Compliance risks

Inconsistent security protocols across automation increase the risk of vulnerabilities and non-compliance with regulations.


Pre-built templates and workflows

Providing a library of pre-approved automation templates and workflows for citizen developers to leverage ensures consistency in design, functionality, and security best practices.

Training and certification

Offer training programs that equip citizen developers with the skills to build secure, standardized automation. Consider implementing certification programs to validate their competency.

Centralized review process

Establishing a review process where IT or the CoE can assess automation before deployment ensures compliance with established standards and minimizes inconsistencies.

3. Change management

Shifting mindsets and fostering collaboration between IT and business users requires effective change management strategies. Here's why:

IT resistance

IT departments might feel threatened by citizen automation, fearing a loss of control or an increased workload.

Business user skepticism

Business users might hesitate to adopt new tools or be apprehensive about data security implications.

Lack of collaboration

Citizen automation initiatives can become siloed and ineffective without clear communication and collaboration between IT and business users.


Executive sponsorship 

Secure buy-in from senior management to champion the initiative and demonstrate its value to the organization.

Change management communication

Develop a comprehensive communication plan to address concerns from both IT and business users. Highlight the benefits of citizen automation while emphasizing the importance of secure development practices.

Joint workshops and training

Organizing joint workshops and training sessions for IT and business users fosters collaboration, builds trust, and helps users understand their respective roles in the citizen automation program.



Best in Class Citizen Automation with Kissflow

Features for governed citizen automation solutions

Here are five key features that can simplify citizen automation governance:

Role-based access control (RBAC)

Enforce access controls to ensure users can only build and deploy automation within their designated permissions.

Pre-built templates and workflows

Provide a library of pre-approved automation templates and workflows to promote consistency and adherence to best practices.

Version control and audit Logs

Track changes made to automation, allowing for easy rollback in case of errors and facilitating compliance audits.

Built-in security features

Integrate security features like data encryption, user authentication, and activity monitoring to safeguard sensitive data.

Centralized deployment and management

Offer a central platform for deploying and managing all citizen-developed automation, enabling IT to maintain oversight and ensure compliance.

Kissflow: Your partner for citizen automation success

Kissflow is more than a platform; it's your partner in unlocking the full potential of citizen automation.

Our intuitive, low-code platform enables businesses to:

Democratize technology

The intuitive interface eliminates the need for extensive coding knowledge, making automation accessible to a broader range of employees.

Build powerful workflows 

Drag-and-drop functionality and pre-built templates enable users to create sophisticated automation without technical expertise.


Maintain governance

Robust security features and access controls ensure citizen-developed automation complies with internal regulations and data privacy standards.

Seamless integration

Kissflow integrates seamlessly with existing enterprise applications, eliminating data silos and streamlining workflows.

Citizen automation represents a significant shift in how businesses leverage technology. By empowering employees and fostering a culture of innovation, it unlocks a wealth of potential for organizations seeking to:

  • Increase efficiency and productivity
  • Boost employee engagement
  • Enhance agility and adaptability
  • Drive continuous improvement

Kissflow stands ready to be your guide on this transformative journey. With its user-friendly platform and commitment to empowering citizen developers, Kissflow equips businesses to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and emerge as leaders in the digital age.

Empower Yourself as a Citizen Developer and Make an Impact!