Digital Workplace

What is the State of the Digital Workplace?


Digital technology is the key to productive workspaces and business processes. Updating to the latest technology—a process called “digital transformation”—allows your business to adapt, survive, and thrive in fast-changing times.

With its myriad benefits, digital transformation is essential for businesses to succeed. To this end, many forward-looking companies are starting to invest in one of the most promising technologies to date—the digital workplace.

Digital workplaces are often custom-built and unique to each company. They offer data, tools, and applications in a centralized ecosystem. Essential features and functions make it easier to:

  • communicate and collaborate with co-workers anytime, anywhere;
  • store, manage, and share vast amounts of information and assets across multiple users;
  • execute management software and business applications all from one platform;
  • automate and optimize a variety of business processes.


In 2018, an illuminating report called “The State of the Digital Workplace” presented new findings on the rise of this technology. Having surveyed 450 executives from different companies and industries, the report presented these five key insights:

1. The digital workplace has entered the mainstream.

The digital workplace has entered mainstream use. About three-fourths of the survey’s respondents ranked the digital workplace as “important,” “very important,” or “extremely important.”.

The report also found that many of the surveyed organizations later took on digital transformations by adopting the digital workplace for their businesses.

Given the growing number of young, digital natives in the workforce, you can expect many employees to be able and willing to adapt to a virtual platform. A digital workplace incentivizes them to connect, collaborate, and stay engaged with the work.

2. The digital workplace is still evolving.

Although it was fast-tracked into the mainstream, the digital workplace is still young and constantly evolving. More innovations yet are underway to improve how employees can work together virtually.

In the next few years, expect integrated task centers, microservices and micro-applications, and artificial intelligence or AI to become vital elements in the workplace. Be sure to invest in a digital workplace that is agile and robust to make room for future innovations.

3. New approaches to analytics and big data are emerging.

Integrating data and analytics in work processes is common practice these days. With analytics in place, new approaches and strategies are emerging for better data-driven decision-making.

In previous years, analytics were mostly used to understand consumer behavior and inform marketing decisions. Today, analytics play a key role in optimizing business processes and internal organizational structures. Analytics are now used to measure employee performance and craft strategies for optimizing your workflow, among other areas with potential for improvement.

Transitioning to a digital workplace enables you to harness the power of data and analytics. Your digital workplace can give you quick access to information you can use to make better business decisions. Used effectively, data and analytics can give you competitive advantages in your niche.

4. Metric analysis improves performance.

Metric analysis monitors the effectiveness of digital transformation strategies. It is used to implement frameworks that improve the digital workplace. It is also an integral factor in managing and tracking progress in the workplace.

Most digital teams use only two or three metrics to measure how well their digital workplace is performing. On the other hand, teams that implemented a wider range of metrics found that their digital workplace exhibited better performance and higher efficiency. This implies a direct relationship between making use of metrics and productivity level.

Indeed, every business needs data. But gathering data is not all there is to it—you have to determine which data is relevant to your business, first and foremost.

To maximize the advantages and applications of metric analysis, be sure to balance data science with business strategy. Consider hiring an analytics leader who can harness metric analysis to its full potential.

5. Digital workplaces still use traditional technology.

Although more advanced tools are widely available these days, many organizations still use traditional technology in work processes like document management, project, collaboration, and internal communications.

Among the main reasons for this is the lack of infrastructure that enables more advanced capabilities. Some organizations may be hesitant to invest in updating their current infrastructure, while others may be hindered by budget constraints.

But at the end of the day, updating the tools you use with the latest digital solutions will streamline your business processes for the better. It will make your employees far more equipped at fulfilling their tasks and boost overall productivity. And it can future-proof your business against the pace of technological advances in this day and age.

Be Future-Ready with a Unified Digital Workplace

The state of the digital workplace will most likely be markedly different a year from now. With many companies compelled to provide options for working remotely, business models will be sure to evolve and require more innovative tools to remain competitive.

The full report on The State of the Digital Workplace[1] can give you extensive and invaluable insight into digital transformation strategies. It can help you craft new frameworks that can accelerate your goals for the coming year.

Remote work will undoubtedly be part of the future business landscape. At the onset, you might find yourself grappling with challenges as you transition into a virtual work environment where you’re forced to purchase, disseminate, and manage a multitude of new applications and software for your business. But if you want to do away with this inconvenience, there’s a simple solution: the unified digital workplace.

Instead of utilizing disparate tools that hamper instead of heighten productivity, you can turn to a singular integrated platform—a unified digital workplace—that brings you the features and functionalities you need to run your business in one place.

You can check out Kissflow for comprehensive solutions. Offering a robust and resilient digital workplace, Kissflow can future-proof your business by taking advantage of the latest innovations.