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Apparently, BPM dies every 2 years!

Team Kissflow

Updated on 25 Sep 2024 1 min read

I recently joined the rich community of BPM Professionals at thanks to Peter Schooff! My first post was bit provocative, agreed – it was partly by design, but also the intent was to stir up change in the BPM World!

⋙ Here’s our simplified guide to the fundamentals of Business Process Management.


The post drew quite a few RTs, favourites and comments in the twitter world from notable people like John Rymer of Forrester,  Allen Jackson of Pega,  Clay Richardson also from Forrester,  Scott Francis of BP3,  Shelley Sweet from i4Process and more.

And, then there is this strong line-by-line rebutal from Scott Francis of BP3. Looks like I made a new online friend :-)! Ok, thanks to Scott, who triggered me to Google more on this topic and I ended up in this  pile of BPM is dead posts, with no hard work!

  1. April, 2014, pretty recently, Gartner’s Elise Olding published this post titled “BPM is dead, Long Live Big Change
  2. Jan 2013, my new found blogger friend Scott Francis, wrote a post titled “Is BPM Dead? Appian says no” . I am not counting this one!
  3. March 2012, Theo Priestly from BPMRedux posts “What the F**K is BPM? starting with a bold statement BPM Must Die.
  4. May 2010, Boris Lubinsky on InfoQ wrote an article titled “Is standalone BPMS really dead?
  5. September 2008, Peter Fingar’s story on BPTrends was titled “BPM is dead, Viva La BPM

With so many posts and article on “BPM is dead” only one thing comes to my mind “unfulfilled promises” of BPM! Change! Period!