Forrester predicts increase in low-code platform adoption_og (1)

Forrester predicts increase in low-code platform adoption in 2024

Team Kissflow

Updated on 2 Jul 2024 4 min read

The expression “slow and steady wins the race” is well-known. But, in today’s fiercely competitive environment, is it still relevant?
The question depends on the race we desire to win. When it comes to a sprint, adopting a low-code development approach may propel your business quickly and lay the stage for a marathon. As more organizations pick low-code development platforms to build apps and alter their IT systems, their popularity is growing.

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Forrester research predicts a 15% rise in the low-code market in 2024

Forrester recently issued its Predictions 2021 for software development. It provides insight into the low-code application development market in 2021. While the article makes several forecasts, two of them are very pertinent to Kissflow.

Low-code tools will account for 75% of application development by the end of 2021, up from 44% in 2020. “During the COVID-19 situation, businesses who had used low-code platforms, digital automation systems, and collaborative project management adjusted more quickly and effectively than businesses that relied solely on conventional development.” Low-code platforms will be increasingly used by businesses to provide mission-critical apps and update core, legacy systems.

Businesses will reorganize digital modernization, which includes enhancing user experiences, automating processes, and upgrading key systems, after halting modernization activities in 2020. These techniques will heavily rely on low-code platforms. Expenditures for modernization projects are also forecast to expand in 2021. Businesses understand the importance of investing in modernization to remain competitive, both with existing businesses and with start-ups, free of technical debt.

Experience the power of low-code with the simplicity of no-code.

Reasons for adopting a low-code system

Among the many reasons for utilizing low-code platforms, organizations’ main objective is to accelerate their digital transformation. It is a multi-faceted change that includes company growth prospects. This user-friendly platform has developed itself as a pioneer in offering a solution to developer scarcity in just a few years. Here are five compelling reasons to use low-code solutions to expedite your company’s digital transition.

    1. The solution to the developer scarcity is low-code:

       The need for application development has increased significantly over the previous few years. Companies’ IT departments have been overburdened due to this rapid expansion and a scarcity of developers. These projects are taking longer and longer to complete. Low-code is the perfect approach for dealing with a scarcity of competent developers. The low-code platform is simple to use and needs little coding to allow citizen developers (workers from any department other than IT) to create a web or mobile application utilizing a visual interface. How does it work? It’s simple: the low-code platform has a visual interface with pre-built layouts and functionalities that can be added with “drag and drop” feature.
    2. Low-code solutions boost efficiency:

      Low-code encourages the adoption of agile methodologies inside your organization by allowing citizen developers to participate actively in application development. Various partners may submit their input directly to the platform and adjust the development to the apps’ end-users’ requirements with low code, the leading low-code platform. Qualified developers are freed up by the “citizen developers.” Low-code enhances developer productivity by allowing them to devote more time to other missions while spending less time on the same development project.
    3. Continuous innovation is possible with low-code development:

      Combining low-code with agile methodology allows your IT, business, and marketing teams to collaborate on the same application at the same time. As a result, at each step of your project’s development, each employee may actively engage and give important advice. Communication between your various departments will undoubtedly increase, and you will be able to encourage innovation and creativity inside your organization in this manner.
    4. Low-code apps change as your digital transformation progresses:

      Low-code platforms provide a lot of flexibility and make it simple to adjust your apps to changing business demands. They make it considerably easier to find and repair issues that arise from existing application updates. These systems allow for continuous and effective cooperation between IT and business departments, reducing the danger of “shadow IT.” You may improve compliance and risk management by using low-code development.
    5. Multi-experience development improves the user experience:

      Multi-experience development has grown increasingly popular in recent years. Multiexperience refers to the utilization of a mix of senses (voice, touch…), platforms (web, mobile, wearable…), and low-code apps by users on various platforms. This method of development ensures the best user experience independent of device type, and it avoids the need to create a separate app for each support.
      According to Gartner, it was one of the top five significant trends for 2020. With low-code, you can quickly create several engagement channels, such as a chatbot or a mobile app, that are properly tailored to each device and don’t require re-creating the app for each support. The Kissflow low-code platform, for example, allows you to deploy the same program across several channels. You can easily utilize the same app across multiple platforms while maintaining a consistent user experience.

Low-code as a tool for adapting to a new workplace

With the majority of financial services professionals increasingly working from home, decreasing cooperation is one problem that is having a significant impact on productivity. Modern communication technologies and video conferences have become vital, but due to the dispersed nature of today’s workforce, teams are finding it difficult to collaborate on business and consumer concerns.

Because of the rapid speed of digital transformation and new unique client structure due to Covid-19, this lack of collaboration is especially harmful, since there is a greater urgency to roll out new services quicker than ever before or modify old procedures at the drop of a hat. Now is an excellent time to take the initiative and shift to low-code platforms. The working environment has shifted in recent months, and more businesses are experiencing a variety of problems. Companies that employ low-code development platforms can easily create tools to:

  • Distribute resources
  • Employee workload should be managed.
  • Determine the current status of the whole workforce.
  • Keep track of your progress.
  • Monitoring equipment was brought home.
  • as well as others

When the IT budget is tight and time is of the essence, low-code has proven to be the ideal software for bringing ideas to life faster. Intelligent low-code tools, such as Kissflow, offer unique solutions quickly and seamlessly integrate them into the company’s digital environment.

Don’t know how to code? You can still build apps without depending on IT.

Begin developing applications using the Kissflow low-code platform

Start a free trial of Kissflow to experience what a low-code software application looks like. Kissflow is an excellent example of a low-code development platform that allows you to build automation tools using forms and procedures. It has an industry-leading GUI and easy design approaches.

Kissflow Low-Code Development Platform
Get in touch with us to learn more about how you can transform your application needs.