Digital Transformation Risks to Watch Out for in 2025
Knowing the digital transformation risks can help you choose the best approach to avoid them.
6 pitfalls to watch out for in your digital initiatives
The adoption of digital transformation initiatives continues to accelerate as the world becomes more digital. However, 70 percent of digital transformation projects fail to reach their goals because of factors like lack of employee engagement, accountability, and management support.
Hopping on the bandwagon
Before following a new trend, determine how each piece fits into your digital transformation vision. Experiment with tools that have a real use case.
Fear of long-term lock-in
Some digital transformation solutions will lock you in to a particular platform including high-cost implementation and maintenance.
Decision fatigue
Transformation leaders make decisions all the time: big and small. Delegate certain choices to those who are impacted most and hold only strategic goals.
Fragmented business operations
Silos can wreck transformation plans. If different teams use different platforms, you may end up with multiple digital transformation paths.
Organizational culture
Culture can eat your transformation plans and bury them in slide decks. Build relationships with key stakeholders and show the value before forcing a certain plan.
Shortage of tech-savvy leaders
Find champions throughout the organization who can take the lead as responsible citizen developers, ready to create their own solutions. They will inspire others to follow along.
Equip your business for a seamless digital transformation journey
The digital transformation journey has a lot of challenges along the way. Knowing the risks of digital transformation can help you choose the best possible approach for your future initiatives.
Kissflow is an end-to-end work platform that bridges the gap between non-tech users and IT to simplify business operations and dramatically accelerate digital transformation. The platform helps you embed proactive digital initiatives into your organization’s strategy and eliminates roadblocks to your digital transformation path.