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Gartner’s Insights on Digital Transformation2

Gartner’s Insights on Digital Transformation

A dive into Gartner’s research on technology and how digital transformation strategy drives business growth.

Gartner’s definition of digital transformation-2

Gartner’s definition of digital transformation

According to Gartner, digital transformation is anything that refers to the modernization, optimization, and innovation of information technology (IT). Companies with successful digital transformation frameworks leverage digital technology and support infrastructure to create a more efficient, robust business model.

Digital Transformation Trends and
Challenges in 2022

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More than 60% high-composability organizations are able to  reduce volatility, empower teams, and identify new value streams.

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 58% of organizations recognize that decisions regarding digital transformation cannot be made in isolation and without collaboration.

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42% of organizations felt that a culture that blocks and resists digital change can greatly hamper digital transformation initiatives.

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Skill gap

28% of organizations find that a skill gap in core IT and development roles are a limiting factor of digital adoption and transformation.

Capabilities Required in Digital Transformation

Digital integration and processes
Digital integration and processes

Your business should be flexible enough to digitize your processes and create a dynamic environment that is not afraid to take risks and leverage tech.

Flexible leadership and workforce readiness
Flexible leadership and workforce readiness

Knowing when to change and rallying your team will help you create an innovative work environment to match your organizaiton’s objectives and goals.

Personalized customer experience-1
Personalized customer experience

Keeping your customer in mind is one of the ways to help your business grow. Customer satisfaction is important in gauging the effectiveness of your approach.

Digital integration and processes
Digital integration and processes

Your business should be flexible enough to digitize your processes and create a dynamic environment that is not afraid to take risks and leverage tech.

Flexible leadership and workforce readiness
Flexible leadership and workforce readiness

Knowing when to change and rallying your team will help you create an innovative work environment to match your organizaiton’s objectives and goals.

Personalized customer experience-1
Personalized customer experience

Keeping your customer in mind is one of the ways to help your business grow. Customer satisfaction is important in gauging the effectiveness of your approach.

Who Enables Digital Transformation_-1

Who Enables Digital Transformation?

According to Gartner, technical professionals and leaders of the IT industry are the digital first responders. Organizations with successful digital transformation initiatives leverage design and architecture to ensure value delivery remains effortlessly. This can help CIOs and CTOs develop new business models, build solutions, and secure verifiable data and information.

Future of Digital Transformation

Future of Digital Transformation

Technology is always changing, so you need to be prepared to adapt to changes to be on top of your game. The trends mentioned in Gartner digital transformation show us addressing specific areas can lead to future DT success.

Kissflow’s digital transformation platform helps organizations ease the path to digital transformation. The solution is perfect for organizations looking to streamline their work processes, build applications, enable citizen development, and much much more.

Enable rapid digital transformation with Kissflow.