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15 Feb 2023

Five Trends to Optimise Procurement in 2023

Spokesperson : Prasanna Rajendran
Five Trends to Optimise Procurement in 2023

An insightful article authored by our very own Prasanna Rajendran about key trends that is going to be a gamechanger in the procurement space this year. 

The following trends in procurement not only necessitate what businesses need to have but beckon the question of how to incorporate said trends to optimise procurement in 2023. The key trends include:

1. Digitalisation and Procurement Automation Paramountcy

2. Flexibility, Agility & Resilience are Key

3. Data &amp; Analytics – The Way Forward

4. Secure Supply Chains Require Resilient Supplier Relationships

5. CSR at The Forefront

You can read the entire article here

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