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The Solution to the Biggest Hassle of All for Traveling Consultants

Team Kissflow

Updated on 24 Apr 2024 1 min read

In this edition of Workflow Frontlines, we will be looking into a legacy paper process: travel reimbursements.


Nearly every prospective customer I talk to has this process at the top of mind. When I ask how they are handling reimbursements currently, all of them reply with one word: “PAPER!”. I hear it in large companies, small companies, and even tech companies. They stick to the paper process because they believe it works best for them.

However, the person I’m on the phone with knows there must be a better way and they are seeking any option they can.

Considering a company where consultants travel at least once a week.Reimbursements are a headache and take up a large amount of billable hours. They have to fill out different forms for different projects, find the receipts, attach the receipts, submit the form to the wrong person, submit the form to the right person, make changes to the form, and then finally wait patiently in untrackable limbo until the money is finally reimbursed.

If this kind of chaos wasn’t enough on its own, traditional paper processes have bad answers to these questions:

  • What happens when the reimbursement request is rejected?
  • How does the consultant get notified about a rejection?
  • What does the manager do if he/she requires additional information?
  • How are all the requests documented for each consultant?

For these and many more reasons, I spend hours everyday talking with business leaders who are looking for a clean, crisp way to document, track, and automate the travel reimbursement process.

For more complete information about how to set up a travel reimbursement request in Kissflow HR Cloud, check out this article.

What are you waiting for? Give Kissflow HR Cloud a chance and see what it can do for you!