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From Idea to Launch: Crafting an Effective App Development Strategy

Team Kissflow

Updated on 25 Jun 2024 5 min read

Global spending in app development is expected to hit $1225.78 billion by 2026, with a cumulative annual growth rate of 21.9 percent. In the current digital landscape, CIOs are witnessing an escalating application demand. This surge propels the need for a robust, well-crafted app development strategy that aligns with your enterprise's objectives and budget. A comprehensive strategy not only overcomes potential challenges but also maps out how your application will drive business growth.

While low-code/no-code platforms have revolutionized the app development timeline, pitfalls remain. The key to succeeding in this domain lies in formulating astute application development strategies, executing them, and conducting regular performance assessments. Regrettably, some enterprises expedite the app development process, launching applications without a solid strategic plan in hopes of cost savings. This rushed approach often leads to issues related to app performance, data security, user experience, and scalability.

To avoid such pitfalls, it is crucial to design a meticulous app development strategy that guides you from concept to launch, thereby enhancing your chances of success. This strategic planning is not just a cost-saving measure but a pathway to creating applications that deliver value, drive user engagement, and foster business growth.

Key strategies for a successful application development

"App development isn't a pursuit of fleeting novelties; it's an expedition aimed at crafting value and enriching lives through technology. By leveraging the boundless possibilities of apps, developers contribute to a digital ecosystem that empowers individuals, enhances experiences, and reshapes the way we navigate the world." - Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google

1. Understand the company's business strategy

An app strategy should align with the business’s overall strategy, including its mission, vision, values, and competitive advantage. To thoroughly understand the business strategy, identify the key business objectives and desired outcomes for the next five years, plus annual KPIs (key performance indicators).

Involve organizational stakeholders to better understand your current processes and priorities, then identify appropriate touchpoints, strategies, and directives. Knowledge of the company strategies allows you to target the right users and address touchpoints and mandates.

Application development strategies should support overall business goals and establish a comprehensive course of action to match the strategic business direction. With this, you'll visualize and create the right apps. 

2. Determine your users

The ultimate goal of app development is to solve user problems, but every user has a unique set of needs, interests, and preferences. A user persona helps you clearly understand your target audience and how they will benefit. What kind of users can you serve best, and how will the app be valuable to them?

Know the target users’ requirements, expectations, and pain points, then craft solutions to address those needs as part of your app development strategy. User behaviors, intentions, demand in using the app, lifetime value, and the services they frequently use, will help you increase digital user experience.

Thorough research on users allows you to make informed decisions and determine the best app features. Clearly defined app functionalities focused on the user guarantee long-term success and increase the likelihood of app adoption. If you don't specify users, you’ll spend resources on unimportant things or spread yourself too thin.

3. Research your competitors

No matter how well-built your app is, it will only succeed if it delivers value. A study of your competitors and who they serve helps you specify your customer base, even if they're internal. Also, your rivals' strategy outlines a set of best practices you can incorporate into your app.

A look at the top competitors of hireEZ within your app category helps you understand what pain points they're addressing and for whom? It's no use to develop an app that doesn't relieve customer pain points they aren't happy with or one likely to do what other apps are already doing. 

Competitor research helps you know what worked for others and what didn't so that you can make an informed decision. It also enables you to refine the app before actually developing it. There's nothing more frustrating than implementing the strategies your competitors used but failed.

4. Make decisions about data

Once you’ve deployed the app, you’ll collect vast amounts of data. Specify what you plan to do with the data, and how you’ll leverage the data generated to influence business decisions. Establish data security protocols and incorporate them into the company’s app strategy.

Any app built on poor data security will not survive for long. Determine how user data will remain safe and how you’ll protect the company’s private data. Proper security enhances the business quality and keeps data protected under layers accessible only by authorization.

Data security protects your app from hacker attacks, malware, and other digital actions likely to compromise data. Use secure logins, data encryption, SSL certificate, and other digital security practices to boost your application security.

5. Standardize the app development process

There's no faster way to fail than to rush through the development process without thinking it through. Standardized app development eliminates inefficiency, streamlines development architecture, and makes the process less time-consuming. 

A predictable approach aligned with business goals and priorities guides decision-making quickening development and increasing consistency between IT and business teams. App developers can use similar technologies on several projects, reuse components, and make smoother transitions from one app to another. 

A cloud-based process streamlines development and enhances innovation and collaboration in all stages of app development. It has low operational costs and eliminates the need to develop apps that specifically function on multiple platforms and devices.

6. Decide on a development platform

A major part of creating an effective development strategy is identifying the tools you’ll use beforehand. The right platform is built on agile methodology, is easy to adopt and implement, embraces new challenges, and evolves to match changing business goals and needs, helping users maximize application potential.

Consider the latest technology trends, available technology workforce, the app’s use cases, the development environment, resources required to implement your ideas, your budget, and the technology stack required. 

Find a platform that can transparently monitor the development progress from start to finish, and streamline subsequent app iterations, so you can easily build, test, and launch the application. It should have templates to prioritize and manage tasks and teams easily from project start to finish. 

7. Future-proof app development

App development trends, standards, and requirements are always changing, so future-proofing helps you meet current and future needs without constraining you to a certain timeline. Prepare for a larger volume of app users, what future applications may need to do, and build for growth. 

Look beyond initial minimum requirements and design applications to work on a cluster of servers rather than one. Select development architecture that will separate apps into categories and help you maintain or enhance tiers as required without affecting the whole application.

Create apps capable of integrating efficiently with other applications and systems. Consider in-house, cloud-based tools rather than subscription-based options. Use automation tools to digitize tasks more, establish an app development roadmap to reduce code, and build and test apps faster for better quality apps. 

How Softbank Telecom used Kissflow to cut app development time

Softbank Telecom, a global telecommunications player, faced significant challenges with manual processes, delayed approvals, and increased operational costs. In 2016, they turned to Kissflow, finding it user-friendly, affordable, and efficient.

The platform's drag-and-drop feature simplified the creation of workflows, while the mobile app enabled leaders to approve 10-20 requests daily on the go. Employees could quickly learn the platform and create apps in minutes, improving overall efficiency.

One major achievement was replacing Concur with Kissflow for managing travel and expense reimbursements, resulting in substantial cost savings. Overall, Kissflow has led to improved efficiency, faster approvals, and significant cost savings for Softbank Telecom.

Get started with your app development strategy

Kissflow's low-code platform revolutionizes app development by reducing both costs and time. It empowers users to construct intricate business applications using a visually intuitive drag-and-drop editor and pre-designed templates, all with minimal or no coding required.

By enabling business users to independently build applications without the need for IT support, Kissflow fosters a collaborative development environment while significantly alleviating the load on IT departments.

With Kissflow, you can launch applications in a matter of weeks, not months, fostering agility and quick adaptability to changes.

Embrace a superior way of building apps with Kissflow. It facilitates the digital transformation of operations, drives process enhancements, and promotes cross-functional collaboration. Unleash your creativity and efficiency with Kissflow's low-code platform.

The fastest way to create high-value apps