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Kissflow Webinar Brew

So your transformation is failing, huh?

Join this webinar to learn how you can get that traction by involving IT and business on a common innovation platform

date-icon April 26, 2023

time-icon 11:00 am EST

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Kissflow speaker

Aali Qureshi

Sr VP Americas


Aali Qureshi is a serial achiever and servant leader who loves to build strategy-based "Growth Engines" delivering triple-digit growth.

Kissflow speaker

Arjun Nair

Director, Enterprise Sales


Arjun Nair is passionate about digital transformation, process automation and the tools that inspire creation and agility in every corner of the building. If your transformation is failing, Arjun wants to answer your questions.

So your transformation is failing, huh?

If your digital transformation is failing, you aren’t alone. 70 percent fail to show sustainable value, according to Boston Consulting Group. 

But who is to blame? IT alone can’t handle everything that needs to be accomplished. Business leaders need to be active in building the 750 million apps required in the next two years based on a report from IDC.

What most organisations need is traction. They need lots of quick wins that get them back on the right track.

Join this webinar to learn how you can get that traction by involving IT and business on a common innovation platform