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12 Oct 2022

Low-Code/No-Code Security Governance

Spokesperson : Dinesh Varadharajan
Low-Code/No-Code Security Governance

From the Great Resignation to recent tech layoffs driven by the recent economic downturn, we’ve rarely seen this much upheaval as organizations struggle to meet their staffing needs and maintain operations. New technologies like low-code/no-code (LCNC) platforms make it possible for organizations to bridge the supply/demand gap for highly skilled and specialized engineering and developer talent. LCNC empowers business employees to build new applications to address specific business needs, without having to fully rely on IT colleagues. However, while this democratization of development for internal workflows and longtail applications makes it easier for organizations to accelerate digital transformation, it also leads to important questions regarding security and governance. If everyone in the organization can be a developer, does everyone also need to be a security pro?

Read Dinesh's piece through this link

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