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Top 7 Pipefy Alternatives in 2024

Team Kissflow

Updated on 19 Jun 2024 8 min read

Low-code development is the most prominent and effective solution for enterprises that want to scale their app development efforts with existing resources. Low-code platforms offer visual and intuitive tools for businesses to optimize and accelerate their development process.

By 2024, over You, Now 65 percent of application development will be low-code.

Pipefy is one of the major low-code platforms that allows IT and citizen developers to design, automate, and streamline workflows across the organization. The platform lets users map every business process's dependencies, tasks, and deadlines, establishing a smooth workflow.

But there are also some downsides to Pipefy, including a steep learning curve, slow integrations, and limitations to reporting and customization capabilities. When considering Pipefy, it's also necessary to explore Pipefy alternatives to find a tool that perfectly aligns with your business requirements. Here are some great options to choose from:


Kissflow is a low-code development platform that empowers professional developers and business users to build custom workflows and applications. The platform provides users with visual modeling tools, drag-and-drop elements, and pre-made templates to launch custom enterprise apps quickly, with minimal coding and effort.

By providing a centralized dashboard for developers and non-technical users, Kissflow fosters collaboration and accelerates development initiatives. It is highly scalable, customizable, and adaptable, allowing businesses to quickly adapt to changing market dynamics.

Why Kissflow
Kissflow aligns business with IT and accelerates digital transformation across the organization. With both low-code and no-code features, it supports collaborative development and lets developers and domain experts build departmental applications in weeks instead of months. The governance layer allows IT to maintain control and security over the development environment without restricting innovation.
Desktop_Gartner Review
Top Features
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    No-code workflows

    Create powerful and automated workflows using drag-and-drop interfaces without any coding

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    Powerful integrations

    Integrate internal and external systems with business rules.

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    Customizable user interface

    Create custom user interfaces for apps with pre-built widgets.

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    Form builder

    Create simple yet dynamic automated forms to capture high-value data.

Pros pros
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    Low-code/no-code development

    Build apps quickly, even with minimal technical knowledge, to increase user adoption and decrease time-to-market.

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    Robust integrations

    Connect your apps to critical systems with Kissflow’s extensive connectors and triggers.

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    Custom role-based access

    Grant controlled access to various apps and data by assigning users to specific roles.

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    Case management

    Optimize case management with Kissflow Boards for more flexibility and visibility into complex processes.

Kissflow Testimonials
"I like that the Kissflow platform is completely versatile since its functionality can be customized and adapted to the requirements of each of our departments separately. It is accompanied by an intuitive interface with a relatively short learning curve, which provides the opportunity to not have extensive prior preparation to be able to implement its tools."
Nikki H.

Account Supervisor, Marketing and Advertising


Nintex offers a powerful platform that allows organizations to discover, automate, and optimize business processes. It is a workflow management and business process management solution offering drag-and-drop tools, a user-friendly interface, and extensive third-party integrations.

Top Features
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    Workflow automation

    Users can design and automate end-to-end workflows without complicated coding.

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    Form designer

    Users can build and manage digital forms to effectively collect data.

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    User-friendly interface

    The platform is user-friendly, making it easily accessible to users of all skill levels.

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    With templates, users can quickly create applications without building them from scratch.

Pros and Cons
Pros pros
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    Mobile accessibility

    Accessing Nintex on mobile devices and managing workflows on the go is possible.

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    Low-code development

    The drag-and-drop interface allows users to build apps with minimal to no coding, reducing development time.

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    Effective error management

    Nintex allows users to automate the process of capturing errors and establish custom logic to handle those errors.

Kissflow Testimonials
"you can configure a good looking form very fast.Complicated workflow actions which took hours to configure in SP workflow usually take minutes here. Nintex support is very fast and informative!"
Andrii B.

SharePoint Engineer

Cons pros
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    Limited database options

    Data storage is only available through external integration

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    Poor documentation

    Limited documentation leads to a steeper learning curve.

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    Lack of developer support

    While Nintex is easy for business users, developers may find it somewhat restrictive.

Kissflow Testimonials
"There is quite a bit of lag time on the front end, and I understand that it's doing a lot in the background, however in this day if something doesn't happen instantly it feels slow. We also use the knowledge library side, and currently you have to tag it, but it won't allow you to really search multiple words at one time, which is frustrating. So you have to tag specific words in hopes that people will search for the right word."
Megan S.

Instructional Design Manager


ProcessMaker is a low-code platform that allows users to automate business processes, streamline workflows, and build custom apps. With powerful features like drag-and-drop interface, third-party integration, and real-time reporting, the platform provides enterprises with the tools to automate and streamline their day-to-day operations.

Top Features
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    Easy form building

    Users can easily create forms and display screens for different workflows.

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    Reporting dashboards

    Users can filter through data and automatically generate charts and reports based on it.

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    Process modeler

    Users can build apps by dragging and dropping tasks and decision points onto the modeling canvas and adding data connectors and forms.

Pros and Cons
Pros pros
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    Powerful integration

    The platform integrates with many popular tools and legacy systems.

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    Easy replication and updation

    Replicating and updating processes only takes a few clicks.

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    AI-powered workflow

    The AI process generation tool has a text-to-process feature that can turn a description into a ready-made workflow.

Kissflow Testimonials
"I appreciate the platform's flexibility for implementing custom workflows and how easy it is to make adjustments when business rules change, as well as the API integration capabilities. Complex workflows with many actors involved can be created in a fraction of the time it would take using a traditional development approach."
Caio G.

Digital Transformation Manager

Cons pros
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    No automation testing capabilities

    There is no way to test automation for business processes.

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    Outdated documentation

    While comprehensive, the documentation is not always up-to-date.

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    Not entirely no-code

    ProcessMaker requires some coding or support from developers to build out processes.

Kissflow Testimonials
"I started training for PM2 and attempted to rework an add on from another campus for our workflow. I found the development process to be tedious and unncessarily complicated due to the multiple layers involved in the stack: PHP (old outdated library too), triggers for db's that operate independently of the PHP code. Old libraries like Gulliver that were a tad buggy."
Eric T.

Associate Director


Pega is a low-code platform providing business process and customer relationship management capabilities. Low-code and no-code tools allow users to create enterprise apps and streamline business processes without writing any code.

The platform is customizable and modular, enabling businesses to achieve scalability and speed for app development.

Top Features
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    Omnichannel UI

    The adaptive and responsive UI makes multi-channel deployments easy to build and modify, creating a consistent user experience across different channels.

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    Workflow automation

    Users can automate workflows to increase responsiveness and efficiency.

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    Adaptive decision manager

    It retrieves and extracts data to help users make real-time decisions based on data analytics and business rules.

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    Continuous development

    Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) enables users to fine-tune their apps with advanced business rules.

Pros and Cons
Pros pros
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    The platform helps businesses achieve consistent scalability through rapid application development.

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    Seamless integration

    The platform provides robust integration capabilities, allowing users to connect internal or external systems without code.

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    Low-code development

    With a drag-and-drop visual editor and reusable components, Pega supports low-code development and allows users to build apps with minimal coding.

Cons pros
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    Steep learning curve

    It can take some time for business users to get used to the platform

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    It's not entirely no-code

    Many highly customized solutions require advanced technical expertise. Business users may need to use the advanced features.

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    The integration process is complex

    Even with a comprehensive list of integrations, the actual integration process can be complex and time-consuming.


Appian is a low-code platform that allows organizations to build custom enterprise applications and workflows. The platform can improve efficiency and maximize resources by streamlining processes across the organization. It provides full-stack automation and AI-powered development to help companies rapidly scale their development and digitization initiatives.

Check out: Kissflow vs Appian: A Detailed Comparison

Top Features
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    Visual editor

    With visual design tools and pre-built templates, IT developers and business users can build applications and streamline processes faster.

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    Digital process automation

    Users can implement efficient and low-maintenance automation in their workflow using business rules, AI, and RPA.

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    Data fabric

    Appian provides an integrated data layer that connects data across the organization and unifies data silos

Pros and Cons
Pros pros
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    Social collaboration

    The platform provides social collaboration tools to help teams stay connected and improve visibility across the development process.

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    Built-in governance

    Users can create a custom governance framework to ensure optimum compliance and security.

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    Real-time reporting

    Users can generate in-depth reports in real-time by leveraging the platform’s AI and ML capabilities.

Kissflow Testimonials
"Appian is a low-code automation platform that helps organizations build applications and automate business processes quickly. The platform aims to solve various problems related to application development and business process management."
Arulanandham K.

Practice Head of Digital Integration / Hyperautomation Expert

Cons pros
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    Limited customization

    Even though Appian offers several customization options, there are limits to what you can do.

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    The platform can be difficult to navigate and manage for business users, especially when handling large projects.

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    Limited documentation

    The official documentation by Appian only covers basic features and information.

Kissflow Testimonials
"The overall look and feel can be improved to be more user friendly, some small wins include mapping the user experience journey to help make button clicks and placement easier"
Shane C.

Management Consultant


Mendix is a low-code development platform that enables enterprises to accelerate their application development lifecycle. The platform can automate the development process for better business outcomes and scalability.

It provides custom IDE and built-in collaboration tools. Business users can build applications with visual tools, while IT developers can use external coding IDEs to develop and deploy apps in the programming language of their choice.

Check out: Kissflow vs Mendix: A Detailed Comparison

Top Features
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    AI-assisted development

    The AI-powered virtual co-developer bot guides users through modeling and configuring their application logic, delivering applications with improved quality and consistency.

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    Intuitive development

    The platform offers an intuitive development environment for pro developers and citizen developers.

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    Collaborative project spaces

    The Mendix Developer Portal provides a centralized dashboard for developers to manage all their app projects in one place.

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    The platform provides app templates that can be easily modified with visual development tools for different use cases.

Pros and Cons
Pros pros
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    Seamless integration

    Database connectors can easily apps Mendix with internal and external systems.

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    Flexible user interface

    Users can create responsive and consistent pages across different channels.

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    Reusable components

    Users can quickly develop and deploy new applications without starting from scratch every time.

Kissflow Testimonials
"I like how quickly on can start developing in the Mendix application even with very little knowledge of coding. The rapid course also gives you a great boost."
Subhojit P.

Associate IT, Consultant

Cons pros
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    It’s not no-code

    The platform has advanced features geared more towards pro developers than business users.

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    Not suitable for complex requirements

    The platform may not be suitable for complex or unique applications.

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    Limited customization options

    Incorporating custom features into applications can be complicated.


OutSystems provides a low-code platform for accelerating and streamlining enterprise application development. It provides a drag-and-drop visual editor to help users digitize and automate internal processes and accelerate their organization’s digital transformation journey, without extensive coding.

Check out: Kissflow vs Outsystems: A Detailed Comparison

Top Features
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    Full-stack visual development

    Users can build the frontend and backend of applications with a visual editor.

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    Application templates

    Various pre-built templates and connectors are available to accelerate app development.

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    AI mentor studio

    It offers actionable suggestions to help users follow best practices and avoid common mistakes when developing apps.

Pros and Cons
Pros pros
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    OutSystems provides robust integration with other APIs and external systems, making connecting data from existing sources easy.

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    Flexibility and scalability

    The platform makes modifying and updating applications easy as business requirements change over time.

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    Intuitive and robust

    OutSystems offers a robust and user-friendly development environment.

Kissflow Testimonials
"Because of OutSystems, you can develop Apps and websites very fast. This is great if you use an Agile Scrum methodology. The business needs change a lot, because of the fast development you can always provide the business needs and update the apps fast."
Michiel M.

Low-Code Architect & Tech Lead

Cons pros
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    Not entirely no-code

    While OutSystems can be used by business users, some coding may still be required to leverage all the platform's features.

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    Performance issues

    There can be some performance issues when executing apps with high resource requirements.

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    Sudden updates can lead to delays

    When new updates are introduced, users must deploy and recompile the applications.

Kissflow Testimonials
"Huge expectations in the beginning. Not met in real life. Important llicense costs"
Maxence M.

Digital Delivery Manager

Best Pipefy Alternatives for Low-Code Development: Kissflow

Future-ready enterprises readily adopt low-code development to accelerate their digital transformation efforts and get ahead of the competition.

Low-code platforms take a visual approach to app development, reducing the need to code. These platforms give business users and domain experts the tools to build applications independently, decreasing IT backlog and reliance on IT.

When it comes to Pipefy alternatives, Kissflow is an obvious choice because of its robust drag-and-drop features, numerous templates, and powerful workflow automation. Kissflow helps organizations encourage collaborative development by including business users and IT developers in the app development process.

It has a form builder, WYSIWYG editor, and comprehensive training resources to get started easily. Sign up on Kissflow to learn how it can streamline your enterprise’s internal processes and operations.

Make the smarter switch to Kissflow - Your best Pipefy alternative