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Kissflow Redefined: Discover What We Solve For Your Business Services

Kissflow is evolving beyond individual silos to empower your entire organization. Our low-code/no-code platform helps you automate processes, manage unstructured tasks, and build custom apps – all without complex coding.
Unlike single-department processes (HR, Finance, or Procurement), Kissflow empowers enterprise-wide users to create custom applications and automate processes, unlocking significant value.
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A deep dive into Kissflow's low-code and citizen development features

Low-Code Application Platform (LCAP)
Citizen Automation Development Platform (CADP)
Potential Users
IT Managers, Developers, Tech-Savvy Business Analysts
Business Users, Process Owners (Citizen Developers)
Primary Goal
Streamlining and automating complex business processes, building scalable applications
Empowering non-technical users to create simple apps and automate workflows
Technical Skill Required
Basic to intermediate coding knowledge
No coding knowledge is required
Development Approach
IT-led with some business collaboration
Business-led with IT governance and oversight
Typical Applications
Enterprise-grade apps, complex workflows, integrations with existing systems
Departmental apps, micro-apps, workflow automation, simple integrations
Kissflow Features
Visual workflow designer, page builder, drag-and-drop interface, pre-built components, API integrations, robust security and governance
Intuitive interface, drag-and-drop functionality, pre-built templates, easy collaboration, simplified approval processes
Increased agility, reduced development time and costs, improved collaboration, enhanced scalability, centralized control
Increased employee empowerment, faster problem-solving, reduced IT backlog, improved process efficiency, and increased innovation.
Potential Users
Primary Goal
Technical Skill Required
Development Approach
Typical Applications
Kissflow Features
Low-Code Application Platform (LCAP)
IT Managers, Developers, Tech-Savvy Business Analysts
Streamlining and automating complex business processes, building scalable applications
Basic to intermediate coding knowledge
IT-led with some business collaboration
Enterprise-grade apps, complex workflows, integrations with existing systems
Visual workflow designer, page builder, drag-and-drop interface, pre-built components, API integrations, robust security and governance
Increased agility, reduced development time and costs, improved collaboration, enhanced scalability, centralized control
Citizen Automation Development Platform (CADP)
Business Users, Process Owners (Citizen Developers)
Empowering non-technical users to create simple apps and automate workflows
No coding knowledge is required
Business-led with IT governance and oversight
Departmental apps, micro-apps, workflow automation, simple integrations
Intuitive interface, drag-and-drop functionality, pre-built templates, easy collaboration, simplified approval processes
Increased employee empowerment, faster problem-solving, reduced IT backlog, improved process efficiency, and increased innovation.

Kissflow's enterprise solution is designed for
multiple user personas

Our solution caters to all, ensuring ease of use whether you're leading an IT strategy or on a digital transformation journey.

IT leaders

IT leaders

Tackle IT backlogs using Kissflow's low-code platform, which enables rapid app deployment and streamlines workflows. Automating routine tasks and enhancing productivity empowers your IT team to innovate.

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Digital Trnasformation Experts

Digital transformation experts

Empower citizen developers with Kissflow's no-code platform, allowing process owners to create and manage apps. Kissflow ensures centralized IT governance while fostering innovation and accelerating workflow automation.

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Discover how Kissflow can streamline your business operations and clear IT backlogs